How much Monetary Compensation should you expect for your Work Injury? Part Two
Workplace burns are a severe issue in the United States, with more than 300,000 injuries per year. These injuries often cause permanent disfigurement and scarring and can lead to death. The most common type of workplace burn is a contact burn-these can be caused by touching something hot or the pressure from a steam pipe that has been breached. A chemical burn may also be caused by contact with chemicals at work. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has recommended that employers offer first aid or emergency medical services for employees who suffer from skin injuries at the workplace. One of the most common causes of such injuries is contact with chemicals. The most likely chemical to cause damage is corrosive. However, skin injuries are not limited to just corrosives and can also be caused by other substances, including paints, solvents, acids, and alkalis. It is important to note that different meanings will have different levels of sever...