The Truth About Asbestos: Debunking the top 5 Myths.
Asbestos has a long and complex history. For years, it got lauded for its fire-resistant and insulating properties, and it has gotten used in a wide variety of building materials. However, we now know that asbestos is a deadly substance responsible for the deaths of thousands of people each year. Despite this, many myths and misconceptions about asbestos are circulating on the Internet and in the legal community. This blog post will debunk the five most common legal myths about asbestos. To learn more about Asbestos-related illness and claim, read here . Five most common legal myths about Asbestos 1. Myth: Asbestos only exists in older buildings. Fact: Many products made before the early 1990s contained asbestos , which means that asbestos can get found in buildings of all ages. Asbestos is a mineral fiber once used in building materials because it is strong, resistant to heat and fire, and sound absorbing. It gets added to ...