The Top 4 Reasons Why Your Social Security Disability Claim Was Denied.


If your social security disability claim was denied, you are not alone. Nearly two-thirds of all initial social security disability claims are estimated to be declined. It can be aggravating and perplexing, particularly if you have no idea why your claim was denied. The good news is that there are only a few common reasons why social security disability claims are denied, and once you understand them, you can take steps to correct them and improve your chances of having your SSD claim approved.


What causes SSD claims to be denied?


According to a recent Commonwealth Fund study, about a third of people with private health insurance who requested surgery or other medical services received a denial letter. According to the survey, nearly two-thirds of individuals who got a refusal letter had their claims approved.


So, what's the story behind these figures? What's more, why are SSD claims denied in the first place?


An SSD claim may be denied for a variety of reasons.


1. For one thing, the applicant could have failed to meet the eligibility requirements.


Several variables determine eligibility for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. The applicant's work history, age, and disability are critical.


Because SSDI is a social insurance programme designed to assist people who cannot work due to a disability, work history is considered. An applicant must have worked long enough and recently enough to be eligible for benefits.


The age of the applicant is also taken into account when determining eligibility. People who are too young or too old are not eligible for SSDI. The periods may differ from one state to the next.


For disability benefits, the Social Security Administration has a minimum age requirement. To be eligible for disability payments, you must have worked and paid Social Security taxes for at least five years. Children, on the other hand, are exempt from the five-year requirement. There is no upper age limit for filing a Social Security Disability claim in California. As soon as you become disabled, you can file a claim. If you are unemployed and unable to perform substantial work due to your disability, you may be eligible for benefits.



2. The claimant failed to provide sufficient evidence to back up their disability claim.


If a claimant fails to provide enough evidence to support their disability, the Social Security Administration (SSA) may deny the claim. You must provide medical evidence from a doctor proving your inability to work to be approved for Social Security Disability benefits. This evidence must demonstrate that your disability meets the SSA's disability definition.


The SSA may request additional information or a medical evaluation from one of their doctors if you do not have enough medical evidence. If you don't have enough evidence to back up your claim, the SSA will likely reject it.



3. The claimant did not correctly complete the application.


The claimant's Social Security Disability claim may be denied if the application was not completed correctly. The claimant must be familiar with all of the questions on the application and provide complete and accurate answers. If there are any gaps in the information, the claim may be denied due to a lack of knowledge.



4. The claimant is employed and earning an excessive amount of money.


Workers receiving disability benefits are subject to a set earnings limit set by the Social Security Administration. If a claimant's income exceeds the income limit, they will lose their benefits. Your income must be below a particular level to be eligible for SSD benefits. Your job status and the number of people living in your home determine the exact limit. Workers receiving disability benefits are subject to a set earnings limit set by the Social Security Administration. The current monthly earnings limit is $1,220.


It is critical to seek legal assistance if you have been denied benefits. Attorneys at Gaylord and Nantias can help you file a Social Security Disability claim and get the benefits you deserve. Don't hesitate to contact us at (562) 561-2669




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