5 Tips When Seeking a Social Security Disability Benefits

 Two million people in the United States submitted applications for disability benefits in 2017, but only 762,141 were approved for the benefits. This indicates that the Social Security Administration found that forty percent of applicants who claimed they were too disabled to work met the program’s approval criteria. You have to fulfill a number of prerequisites before your application for benefits can be considered. You will be denied if you do not meet the basic non-medical requirements. Additionally, you will be denied if you have committed fraud.

What Is Social Security Disability?

The Social Security Disability Insurance program is a federal insurance program funded by payroll taxes and administered by the United States government. People with a disability that can be verified by a doctor and prevents them from working are eligible to receive benefits on a monthly basis through this program, which is administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA).

5 Tips That Are Helpful For Social Security Disability Benefits Application Getting Approved

  1. Know What You Have To Prove to meet Social Security’s definition of disability, you must have,
  2. A severe physical and/or mental impairment.
  3. That is expected to last at least 12 months or result in death.
  4. That meets or equals a medical listing or prevents you from earning wages above the substantial gainful limit.

The Compassionate Allowance is one way to expedite the processing of your claim and move it closer to the front of the line if you suffer from a particularly severe condition, such as certain cancers or rare diseases. In most cases, Social Security gives speedy approval to these claims.

In the event that you do not fulfill the requirements of a listing or do not have a condition that qualifies you for compassionate allowance, you will be required to provide evidence that you are unable to maintain any regular work, whether it be simple or unskilled work (8 hours per day, 40 hours per week). However, once an individual reaches the age of 50, Social Security begins to relax some of those requirements.

  • Determine For Which Program You Are Qualified
    If you have worked and paid FICA payroll taxes, you probably have enough credits in the Social Security System to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).  With adequate wages, you can earn up to 4 credits a year, which count toward social security eligibility.  You need 20 credits or five years of credits out of the last ten years.  Your benefit amount depends on how much FICA tax you have paid.  You must satisfy a 5-month waiting period.

    You may submit an application for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) even if you have not worked or earned a sufficient number of credits. This benefit is a set amount that can be applied toward the cost of housing and food. There is a limit on the amount of resources that can be held, which is set at $2,000 for an individual and $3,000 for a couple. After being approved, SSI will begin paying benefits retroactively to the date you applied for them. If you are not contributing your appropriate share to the costs of maintaining your household, one-third could reduce your SSI benefits.
  • Maintain Healthcare
    Your case will only be as strong as the record of your medical condition that is kept up to date and accurate. If you lose your health insurance due to your disability, apply for Medicaid, which is now available.

    After you have been accepted into the Medicaid program, the next step is to schedule appointments with specialists who can treat each of your conditions. Make sure you stick to your treatment plan. It is best to keep your scheduled appointments and only reschedule them if absolutely necessary. In order to determine whether or not your condition(s) satisfy Social Security’s requirements, Disability Determination Services will carefully collect and examine all of your medical records. Your case may suffer if there are significant breaks in treatment.
  • Educate Your Doctors About Your Symptoms And Limitations
    Make a list of your symptoms, including how often they occur, how severe they are, and how they impact your life so that your doctors can learn from them and improve your medical records. Keep your list up to date as much as possible, and be sure to show it to your doctors at each appointment so that they can better comprehend and record your impairments’ impact on you. Dizziness, weakness, pain, insomnia, anxiety, irritability, depression, and remembering are some symptoms that may be experienced. Limitations can include difficulty bathing, cooking, or cleaning your home; sitting, standing, or walking for long periods of time; driving further than a mile or two; getting along with others, or paying attention to or recalling important things.
  • Understand The Process
    The process of applying for a social security benefit can be time-consuming. Applying may take up to 120 days for a decision to be made. Most people, especially those with questionable documentation, are denied. You have the right to file an appeal within 60 days of receiving a denial of your request. This particular appeal is known as a Request for Reconsideration, and receiving a decision on it will take 60 to 120 days.

    You have the right to appeal the decision once more within 60 days, even if your request for reconsideration is also turned down. The name given to this type of appeal is “Request for Hearing by an Administrative Law Judge.” This will require an in-person hearing with a judge from the Social Security Administration, which can take up to a year or more to schedule. You have the opportunity to present additional evidence to support your case whenever you appeal a decision. If you are required to have a hearing, make sure to seek the assistance of a lawyer who is knowledgeable about Social Security and your particular condition.

In conclusion, these tips must be keep in mind to win social security disability benefits case. These benefits are crucial for those unable to work due to a disability, and it is essential to understand how they work. If you have any questions about social security disability benefits, please call us at (562) 561-2669 or visit Gaylord & Nantias Attorneys Law.



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