Can I Get Compensation For My Workplace Knee Injury?

 In many jobs, the chance of getting hurt on the job is unfortunately high. Jobs that require a lot of heavy lifting, for example, can cause knee injuries all the time. If you got a workplace knee injury, you may be wondering if you can get workers’ compensation benefits. The answer is: it depends. Every state has different rules about these benefits, so you need to talk to a lawyer specializing in work injuries to determine if you qualify.

A workplace knee injury can be scary. As a worker, you might not know what your rights are. You might also want to know if you can get benefits from workers’ compensation. Here’s an overview of what you need to know about a workplace knee injury.

Knee Injury at Workplace

Most workplace injuries happen to the knees or cause knee pain. More than a million people get workplace knee injuries every year, which costs workers’ compensation about $2 billion. Nearly one-third of all injuries on the job are knee injuries. They are also one of the most expensive because each claim costs an average of $31,000. Different kinds of injuries include sprains, strains, tears, and ruptures.

If you hurt your knee and feel pain, swelling, or bruises, you need to go to the doctor right away. A workplace knee injury can be very painful and usually take a long time to heal, which means you can’t do your job duties. When you run, lift something heavy, or twist your knee, you could hurt yourself in one of these painful ways. Knee injuries can make it hard or impossible to work and hurt a lot.

Common Types of Workplace Knee Injury

Most knee injuries are caused by sprains or strains. When the ligaments that hold the knee together are stretched too far, these injuries can happen. There are also fractures, dislocations, and tears of the ligaments or tendons that can happen to the knee.

If you hurt your knee or feel the pain that isn’t normal, you should go to the doctor. You might need surgery or physical therapy as well. You should also let your manager know about your injury. Your supervisor might be able to find you a job that doesn’t require too much physical work while you’re healing.

How To File A Workers’ Compensation Claim For A Workplace Knee Injury?

  1. Tell your agency or your manager as soon as possible about the injury.
  2. Get help for your injury from a doctor.
  3. Gather evidence of the injury. It can include witness statements, photographs of the injury, and medical records.
  4. Fill out a claim form for workers’ compensation.
  5. Send your employer the proof and the claim form.
  6. Talk to a lawyer about it.


If you get hurt on the job, you have every right to look for and get workers’ compensation benefits. At Gaylord and Nantais, we can help you figure out if you are eligible for benefits and walk you through the process. Call us right away at (562) 561-2669 to set up a free consultation.


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